Waste Management & Kerbside Refuse Collection Service

Waste Transfer Stations

Station Address Phone     Opening Times
Southbridge 2899 Huon Highway, Huonville


Open seven days:  Monday and Wednesday 10am-2pm, all other days 10am-4pm.
Re-Use Shop
2899 Huon Highway, Huonville


Open seven days:  Monday and Wednesday 10am-2pm, all other days 10am-4pm.
Cygnet 83 Tobys Hill Road, Cygnet 62950673 Open Wednesday 12pm-4pm, Saturday and Sunday 10am-4pm.
Geeveston 70 Hermons Road, Geeveston 62971780 Open Wednesday 12pm-4pm, Saturday and Sunday 10am-4pm.
Dover 48-62 Cemetery Road, Dover 62981633 Open Tuesday 12pm-4pm, Saturday and Sunday 10am-4pm.

All Waste Transfer Stations are signposted. Inert or hazardous waste is not acceptable at any site.


Kerbside Collection Timetable

Monday Huon Highway and Huonville South of the Huonville Bridge including Franklin, Port Huon and Scotts Road.
Tuesday Lollara, Grove, Mountain River, Crabtree, Lucaston, North Huon Road from Ranelagh to Judbury, and Glen Huon Road to Judbury, including Glen Huon and Judbury.
Wednesday Huonville and Ranelagh including Wilmot Road and Lollara Road to the Lucaston Link Road.
Thursday Geeveston and Dover, including the Huon Highway from the Scotts Road intersection at Geeveston to the intersection of Martin Road, Dover.
Friday Cygnet and Channel Highway South of Huonville, including Nichols Rivulet, Gardeners Bay and Deep Bay to the intersection of Abels Bay Road.

Bins must be out no later than 6am on collection day. Please ensure the wheels are facing away from the roadway and the Council logo is facing toward the roadway.

Recycling bins are collected on a fortnightly basis. Please refer to Council's website to view the collection schedule or call (03) 6264 0300 for further information.

Other Waste Materials

Drum Muster

Drum Muster is a service provided for collection of used and rinsed farm chemical containers.  It operates at Southbridge Waste Transfer Station during normal opening hours. Large loads by appointment only on (03) 6264 0300.

For further information or general enquiries on waste management please contact Council's Waste Management Coordinator on (03) 6264 0300.

Builders' timber waste (inc all timber waste)